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Podcast Pasarelas Bancarias opción de Pago para Magento2, WP Woocommerce y otros...

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Podcast integración Mayoristas de Computación con Magento2, WP Woocommerce y otros...

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Conoce quien es Mojoméxico y su fortaleza..

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Mexico Tax Regulation service

My Professional services include Mexico Tax Regulation specialised by foreign people or Company workers for Mexico Companies or have to update it Tax situations.

As a special Consultor in Business Administration, Acount, Tax for a prestigius Mexico Companies, we will offer you always honest and clean tratement in the regulation of your stuff and Taxable Gobernement Actualization.

Other services in my Portfolio are:

  • English and Spanish translator pressential and remote.
  • English document traductions, in areas of Technology, Socials, Human Resources, Legal, etc.
  • Special services as researching of Invest Projects in Mexico around Real Estates, Industry, Housekeeping, etc.
  • Special services as researching fields resources, human resources, Human Candidates around Technology Specialist Evaluations, including English, Spanish and French skills level evaluations.
  • Services about BlueWorkers Training, Social Services Actualizations, etc.
  • Services as Hingh Sales Techniques Training to been a SALES TOP CLOSER or Top Manager Group
  • Motivations Techniques Events around Sales Departments, Human Rersources, Computer System Departments
  • Services of WEB ERP Training , integrations and APPS creations
  • other services around Technology things.

Please send a message by email (info@sergioromo.com.mx), also by whatsapp, skype, chat or we can schedule a Google Meet to discuss your projects.

Hear my Podcast in diferents Languages and Topics not only around computer technologies, just to check by yourself my Languages Skills and the fluidity traiten different topics

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